

My 26

Happy Birthday to....Me! (Tomorrow, that is).

I'm sort of not looking forward to turning 27. It's a large number. I was actually okay with being 26. I've crossed some sort of "One-third of life crisis" line...

Highlights of being 26: 

1. Moving to Colorado. Didn't think we'd even have the finances to do it and it happened. Our friends Bailey and Jessie (and daughter, Avery!) helped us move with our 8' x 10' trailer wrapped in a million feet of blue tarp. It was, affectionately, our Blue Burrito!

2. I got "chased" by a bear trying to do our first 14er. We didn't even attempt to hike and we put a hole in The Gerbil (the Corolla).

3. I completed my first sport lead climb outside at Jurassic Park near Lily Lake.

4. I can summarize 26: PATIENCE
I think I was being exposed to a lot of trials, financially, mentally, emotionally, just begin to understand the concept of Patience. I've barely scratched the surface. But when things began to hit the fan; when my work-day feels so unfulfilled and my friendships have been husband and that still quiet voice inside of me whispers the words: Be still. Calm.

5. I put in a decent season snowboarding, including my first black diamond run...!

And there is so much more, but this is just a taste of what 26 was like for me. A lot of what I felt during 26 I don't think I can even put into words. It was a hard year for me internally and I still feel that is true, but what I am hoping is that I find Peace amidst life's storms...!


  1. Ooh girl! Happy birthday! We need to have a joint birthday brunch - when are you free?

  2. Even better - lets do a joint birthday hike!

  3. Morgs,

    Thanks for sharing! It has been quite a year! It's neat to look back and see how the Lord has brought us through some crazy times, and how HE has stretched us, taught us and molded us more into His image because of it. Within a week of being jobless, uncertain of the next steps, fear of moving overseas, etc...I can relate! But, It's interesting to see how God has been changing my attitude and heart to be reminded that I am not in control of anything and that God continues to watch over me, lead me, direct me, etc...because He's the one doing things in and through me...not me.

    Hang in there friend! I love you!
